I used to have a blog. Thought i was smart or something. Now am not so sure ... but still have this propensity to yammer on about some things.
A blog seemed too much work, so I stopped doing it. Then I found myself blogging in the comments of other people's blogs.
Sorry if I did that to your blog.
So I stopped all online interactions for about 6-8 months. Then entered a competition where I was encouraged to maximize use of online social tools to promote my competition entry ... so I started visiting blogs again, but this time I'd throw a pitch for my entry whenever possible - ack! I'd gone from bad to worse - spamming in the comments section. I'd sunk to an all time low.
That’s when I realized that I have to blog. Part of me wants to spew opinions in a quiet webpage ... even if they are hazy and unsure, perhaps just to clear my mind, or make it stop talking up there in that brain of mine. I was going to do it under a psuedonymn and tell nobody, but then I forgot and started it here but nobody visits anyway so that's cool.
But I really have no time to blog, and now is like the worst time in the world for me to start up blogging again due to various pressures put on my life right now from just about every angle imaginable (except from my wife and kids – God bless them). So I’m trying to limit my blogging to really late at night when I should be in bed, so when you read a post and it sounds like I’m half asleep yammering on about nothing in particular then you’ll know why: because that’s exactly what’s happening, I’m half asleep yammering on about nothing in particular.
Cognitive excess is what I call it … spewing it out before it builds up and explodes out at the most inapropriate time. Hey, it’s better than spamming other people’s comments. Maybe with time and good commenting behavior on my part some of those blogs will stop screening my comments.
Want to see a great blog? See http://sunshineysoul.blogspot.com, my wife's blog. Now that's worth your time. I'm not so sure about this.